Instructional intervention for the development of metacognitive skills in students at risk of school dropout




School dropout, school failure, metacognitive skills


The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of an instructional intervention in the development of metacognitive skills of high school students at risk of dropping out of school. The study followed a quantitative approach in two phases. In the first phase, a model was validated to predict dropout through the risk of failure, and students at risk were identified. In the second phase, the intervention was carried out using a quasi-experimental design. We worked in an instructional way following the informed training model. The results suggest that it is possible to predict students who are at risk of failure and desertion from individual and contextual psychosocial variables. It was found that metacognitive skills influence the independent performance of contextual elements, that students with low performance have a low use of metacognitive skills. At the end of the intervention all dimensions of metacognition registered modifications, except for the knowledge of the strategies. This could be explained because it was the most developed dimension before starting the process, laying the foundations for the increase in the use of these skills that was appreciated in the study.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos O'farrill Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México

Es Maestro en Psicología Médica por la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas y Maestro en Psicología por la UACJ. Ha realizado investigaciones relacionadas con el estrés académico y la deserción escolar. Actualmente cursa un doctorado en Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

O’farrill Jiménez, J. C. (2023). Instructional intervention for the development of metacognitive skills in students at risk of school dropout. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 14, e1646.