Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Enero-diciembre

Burnout syndrome in basic education teachers on a rural context

Kenia Noheli Loya Chávez
Secretaría de Educación y Deporte, Chihuahua, México

Published 2020-12-20


  • Burnout,
  • teaching and socio-cultural context
  • Burnout,
  • docencia y contexto sociocultural

How to Cite

Loya Chávez, K. N. (2020). Burnout syndrome in basic education teachers on a rural context. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 5(1), 19-32. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v5i1.955


Burnout syndrome is a condition that affects the physical and mental health of workers, it is the result of being subjected to high levels of stress that generate emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and dissatisfaction with achievement. Teaching is one of the most affected professions due to the constant relationship with other people. In addition to this, the context in which they work is a factor that intervenes in the development of the syndrome. Therefore, the present research is carried out under a positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach of descriptive scope, in addition to a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. It describes the frequency with which the burnout syndrome occurs, and the symptoms manifested by basic education teachers in the rural context in some regions of the State of Chihuahua, during the 2018-2019 cycle. To do this, the EDO questionnaire by Uribe (2010) was applied to a census sample of 24 teachers from two rural communities belonging to the municipalities of Belisario Domínguez and San Francisco de Borja (corresponding to two of preschool education, fifteen of primary and seven of secondary education). The results showed the absence of this condition. However, they reveal a high risk of presenting it due to its high levels of stress. The symptoms suffered by those surveyed in danger are sleep disorders, as well as of a psychosexual type, and pain.


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