Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Enero-diciembre
E) Procesos de formación y actores de la educación

The evaluation of teachers from a student´s perception

Nadia Elvira Sierra Santiesteban
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral, México
Socorro Alonso Gutiérrez Duarte
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua, Campus Parral, México

Published 2017-01-02


  • Evaluación,
  • evaluación de los profesores,
  • estudiantes
  • Evaluation,
  • evaluation of teachers,
  • students

How to Cite

Sierra Santiesteban, N. E., & Gutiérrez Duarte, S. A. (2017). The evaluation of teachers from a student´s perception. RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica De Investigación Educativa, 3(2), 1243-1248. https://doi.org/10.33010/recie.v3i2.2069


The present contribution is generated from the research project "The perception of the students of the LIE on the performance of the professors", developed during the period January-June and August-December 2015. It is a final research report with a qualitative and phenomenological approach, seeking to identify in the subjects involved the experiences they have. In data collection process, various instruments are used: Semi-structured Interview conducted with students of the LIE of Campus Parral; Surveys applied to 212 students through the platform used by the Rectory of the University to evaluate teachers. And finally, 10 group writings are analyzed where they indicate the performance of the professors. Simultaneously, several documents the curriculum are reviewed, where the indexes to be considered in the evaluation are established. The research findings allow us to identify three distinct types of teachers; the "linear" whose attitude is rigid and focused solely on the theoretical aspect of knowledge, hindering the student's learning. The "yo-yo" is selfish and believes they are right in everything they do. And the altruistic which is characterized by his great willingness to aid the student to achieve goals.


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